Prevent Falling

Prevent Falling

Prevent Falling

Did you know that accidental falls are a contributing factor in 40 percent of admissions to nursing homes? One in three people in the 65+ age groups will take a tumble each year and 20 to 30 percent will suffer moderate to severe injuries that reduce their mobility and independence. These injuries can make it difficult to lead an active, healthy life. That’s why it’s important to take action to prevent falls.

The first step is to talk to your doctor about to prevent falling. This includes talking about your medications and side effects, like dizziness, that may make a fall more likely.

Have you fallen before but weren’t injured? If so, tell your doctor. With your doctor’s permission, stay active. Take part in activities like walking or exercise classes to improve your strength and balance. Wear shoes that lace up or stay securely fastened to your feet. Make sure your shoes have good traction.

Around the house, be sure to move boxes, electrical cords, loose rugs, or anything that may cause a fall. Place low furniture, such as coffee tables or magazine racks, away from high-traffic areas. If you have stairs, make sure they are well lit and have a strong handrail for stability.