Attestation Forms

Attestation Forms

Do you have question about Attestation Forms or HCC codes? We are creating more resources to help providers get answers to questions they may have about attestation forms, starting with a new email answer box. If you have any questions about filling out Attestation Forms, or HCC codes, just send them to

The box is checked daily by a CPC or RN, CPC so you can always expect a quick response.

Examples of the types of questions you can submit include:

  • 1. The BMI is on the progress note but the attestation sheet is asking for the primary diagnosis. Also 278.01 is documented in the note but the attestation sheet is asking for the diagnosis descriptor. I do not understand what this means?
  • 2. In my note, I have listed DM with renal manifestations and CKD. Now I’m being told they are not linked. Why do they have to be linked?
  • 3. I faxed in the attestation and progress note and now I’m getting back that the progress note is not there. What happened to the progress note?
  • 4. Is hypertension a code that has an HCC?
  • 5. My patient had a RAF score last year of 2.0 and this year only has a potential of 1.5. What happened to that .5?

These are just a few examples of the types of questions our team can help answer. We urge you to stay in communication about your questions through this new resource!